Hey everyone I hope you are enjoying the past few videos, I had posted a reupload video recently due to the old one having quality issues.
On another note I have a few requests ready for uploading but I am having some internet troubles and am changing suppliers. If all goes well I should be able to upload videos from next weekend. I shall be able to respond to comments and messages via my phone.
I was also sent a great outfit recently for some bound pictures and videos, just wanted to share a quick picture with you all.
These are the only pictures I can share, I also posted these on Twitter so if you do use it then please do follow me for more regular updates.
Hey guys thanks for all the positive feedback with my last video, in case you missed it I have posted it below.
In other news I have posted a story recently detailing a muddy venture a while back please do have read and share your thoughts. (click HERE).
I do have another video going live for Monday but sadly that is it for about a week while I am sorting out a new internet provider. I shall be answering messages and comments using my phone so please bare with me xx :)
Hi everyone hope you are well. I have been busy putting together some new videos and also going through some old files and found some old footage which I had forgotten about. The footage was from my first video and I have it going live on Monday (18/01/2016). Please do give it a thumbs up if you would like to see my in brown leather boots more. I have been looking for some recently or if anyone feels like getting me a late Christmas present please go through my old wish list on Amazon.
I have posted a couple of videos below just to remind older subscribers about the video or to show new subscribers my first muddy venture which I shared with YouTube.
The next bit of news is regarding my website, I am finding more people are going to it so I would like know what you would like to see on the site, I am currently redoing the site with some new artwork and new pictures.
I think that about covers things for the moment. I have been getting quite a few requests come through at the moment so please bare with me as I am preparing a few this weekend and next week :)